Commonwealth, written by Ann Patchett, is a novel published in 2016 that delves into the complex lives of two families over five decades. The story begins at a christening party in Los Angeles, where an unexpected romantic encounter ensues and sets off a chain of events that forever changes the lives of the Keating and Cousins families. As the narrative switches back and forth between generations, the novel explores the repercussions of the initial event and the ways in which the families' dynamics are shaped.
Spanning from the 1960s to the present day, Commonwealth focuses on the deep and intricate relationships between the various family members. The novel dives into themes of love, loyalty, betrayal, and resilience. Patchett skillfully weaves together the stories of these interconnected characters, unearthing secrets, losses, and the bonds that are formed and broken over time.
With her insightful prose and nuanced exploration of human connections, Ann Patchett crafts a poignant and compelling narrative that highlights the complexities and unpredictability of familial relationships. Commonwealth is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the shared experiences and enduring bonds that bind us, even when our lives take unexpected turns. Description by ChatGPT.